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Wypożyczalnia Główna
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Streszczenie: As Rossella Menegazzo, the Phaidon author and associate professor of the History of East Asian Art at the University of Milan, explains in this new title, colour has taken an integral role in the classification and demarcation of Japanese society and culture for hundreds of years, with courtly, aristocratic colours used to denote rank and hierarchy. Each era has brought with it different colour associations, and, with the advent of the modern age, these distinctive pigments have found their way into the manufactured world. For a long time this distinct and highly nuanced system has remained opaque to many outsiders. This season, Iro brings it to everyone, via a carefully selected choice of 200 colours, individually drawn from, and sequenced according to, a reference catalogue called the DIC Traditional Japanese Colour Guide. Every colour is represented by a single object, from a bicycle to a bag, a chair to a comb, and each is accompanied by a succinct description, detailing the pigment’s origin, use and significance. There are ancient traditional items, and mass-produced goods. A great deal of the selected examples are drawn from the works of noted Japanese designers such as Naoto Fukasawa, Issey Miyake, Shiro Kuramata, nendo and Reiko Sud.
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