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Zawartość: Does reversibility exist in conservation? / Andrew Oddy. Drawing the line reversibility and compromise in the conservation of arms and armour / Robert D. Smith. Is reversibility an option when conserving industrial collections? / Peter M. Meehan. Restoration or repair? The dilemma of ancient scientific instrument / Paolo Brenni. Understanding reversibility in natural science collections / Caroline Buttler. Back to plastics / Yvonne Shashoua. Plastic surgery: conservation treatments for flexible polyurethane foams: from face-lift to donating the corpse to science / Thea B. van Oosten. Volatile binding media useful tools for conservation / Elisabeth Jägers and Erhard Jägers. Restoration a kaleidoscope through history / Hiltrud Schinzel. Imperfect reversibility in paper conservation / Vincent Daniels. Questions of reversibility in the conservation of paintings on canvas / Paul Ackroyd and David Bomford. Aspects of reversibility in transferred wall paintings / Isabelle Brajer. Materials for wall paintings conservation: change of physicochemical properties, ageing effects, and reversibility / Luigi Dei, Piero Baglioni and Marcello Mauro. Treatment of previously deacidified paper artifacts / Elissa O'Loughlin and Anne Witty. Reversibility in the restoration of stone artefacts: real possibilities and objective limits / Annamaria Giusti. Reversibility: a questionable philosophy / Richard D. Smith. Access as a factor contributing to compromise in conservation-treatment decisions / Karen L. Pavelka. Swelling as an indicator of removability / Jane L. Down. Reversibility politics and economics / Jonathan Ashley-Smith. Opacity contrariwise: the reversibility of deteriorated surfaces on vessel glass / Sandra Smith. Reversibility myth and mis-use / Leslie Charteris. The search for an ideal: reversibility in ceramic conservation / Alice Boccia Paterakis. Reversibility; the thinking behind the word / Robert Barclay. Reversibility achievable goal or illusion / Nigel J. Seeley. Museum changes to first nations objects, and their physical and conceptual reversibility / Miriam Clavir. How greater knowledge of an object can affect an assessment of the reversibility of previous treatments / Helen Murdina Hughes. Reversibility: dealing with a ghost / Sergio Palazzi.
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